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Who are we?

We are a team of volunteers from the Eternal Love of Dreams Soompi Forum who couldn’t get enough of the drama (even before it ended) and couldn’t bear to part with the lead characters and their lives. We began translating Tang Qi's (the original author) post Pillow Book outtakes, one-shots and snippets of information we could get our hands on.


As time went by, the pages moved so rapidly and readers looking for the translations found them as hard as looking for a needle in a haystack. So, here we are now, with a space we can dedicate to these unforgettable characters we have grown to love from the Three Lives, Three Worlds book series.


Drop in for a chat on our forum at



Our Translator Spotlight:


Week One: Yori Ten

Week Two: Ninky

Week Three: SC2019

Week Four: Nitepolaris




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